handle Method (p_schema, p_types)
NamespacesSorm.InterfacesSerializerhandle(FieldSchema, Dictionary<(Of <(Type, TypeSchema>)>))

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Serializer instance has to examine the given parameters and declare if it is able to handle the described type.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
bool handle(
	FieldSchema p_schema,
	Dictionary<Type, TypeSchema> p_types
Function handle ( _
	p_schema As FieldSchema, _
	p_types As Dictionary(Of Type, TypeSchema) _
) As Boolean
bool handle(
	FieldSchema^ p_schema, 
	Dictionary<Type^, TypeSchema^>^ p_types
p_schema (FieldSchema)
Field descriptor for the type
p_types (Dictionary<(Of <(Type, TypeSchema>)>))
Dictionary for all registered types
Return Value
true, if the Serializer is able to handle the given type, false otherwise

Assembly: sorm.interfaces (Module: sorm.interfaces) Version: