define_link_table Method (p_name, p_fields, p_left_table, p_right_table, p_attribute)
NamespacesSorm.InterfacesProviderdefine_link_table(String, List<(Of <(NameTypePair>)>), String, String, String)

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Create a link table with at least the two fields 'owner' and 'owned'. Additional fields are named 'owned_0', 'owned_1' and so on.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
void define_link_table(
	string p_name,
	List<NameTypePair> p_fields,
	string p_left_table,
	string p_right_table,
	string p_attribute
Sub define_link_table ( _
	p_name As String, _
	p_fields As List(Of NameTypePair), _
	p_left_table As String, _
	p_right_table As String, _
	p_attribute As String _
void define_link_table(
	String^ p_name, 
	List<NameTypePair^>^ p_fields, 
	String^ p_left_table, 
	String^ p_right_table, 
	String^ p_attribute
p_name (String)
Name of the table
p_fields (List<(Of <(NameTypePair>)>))
List of column descriptors
p_left_table (String)
Name of first table involved
p_right_table (String)
Name of second table involved
p_attribute (String)
Name of link attribute in first table

Assembly: sorm.interfaces (Module: sorm.interfaces) Version: