Session Interface

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Session interface is the central controller to initiate the serialization and deserialization of instances.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public interface Session
Public Interface Session
public interface class Session
All MembersMethodsProperties

The depth the instance graph will be followed during the deserialization process. The default value is 5, which means that a reference chain like object_1.object_2.object_3.object_4.object_5 will be deserialized from the storage if only object_1 is requested.

Deletes an object which must have been read previously from the storage permanently from the persistence layer. It is not modified otherwise. No referenced instances are removed from the storage, this must be done manually.

MetaObject associated with a specific object.

Register a meta object. Mostly used by Serializer implementations.

Retrieves an object from the cache. The cache holds only weak references to objects, so it can not be guaranteed that a valid object reference is returned even if it is known that an instance with that ID has been seen by the cache previously.

objects<(Of <(T>)>)()()()
Create a query instance for a specific type.

Access to the underlying storage provider.

All basic types which will be passed to the store method must be registered once. Arrays, generic lists and dictionaries of these types are handled automatically. Place a call to this routine at the start of your program.

Retrieve the schema information for a given type.

Retrieve the schema information for a given type.

The basic serializer which handles class types. All serializers which handle more complex types like arrays and such may delegate work to this serializer.

Makes an instance persistent. The process decides wether this instance has been read from the persistence layer before and updates the persistent representation or inserts it as a fresh object otherwise. Only fields which are not marked with the NonPersistent attribute are considered, properties are ignored. The serialization process follows object references to a depth which is controlled by the property update_depth. 5 is the default.

store(Object, Int32)
Makes an instance persistent. The process decides wether this instance has been read from the persistence layer before and updates the persistent representation or inserts it as a fresh object otherwise. Only fields which are not marked with the NonPersistent attribute are considered, properties are ignored. The serialization process follows object references to a given depth.

The depth the instance graph will be followed during the serialization process. The default value is 5, which means that a reference chain like object_1.object_2.object_3.object_4.object_5 will be written to the storage if only object_1 is stored.

Assembly: sorm.interfaces (Module: sorm.interfaces) Version: